Norwich - East Dereham Cricket Ground
Norwich Road : NR20 3AS
There were four locations in East Dereham where bicycle racing was held. The first bicycle races in East Dereham were at Quebec Hall in 1877 and racing continued there until 1896. The East Dereham Recreation ground opened in 1895 with a cinder track, and bicycle racing was held there until 1907. The ground at Neatherd Road held occasional race meetings with the East Dereham Cycling Club from 1895 to 1910. The Norwich Road Cricket Ground held bicycle races for a few years between 1907 and 1911 and in 1910 sports were held on the Avenue Grounds, South Green.

The Norwich Road cricket ground was owned by Mr Nicholson and he hired the ground to the East Dereham cricket club in 1875. Sports meetings were also held there, the 1877 sports had an attendance of 5,000.

The first bicycle races at the ground were the Athletic Association August Bank Holiday sports in 1907. The sports meeting moved from the Recreation ground because the cinder cycle track there was in very poor condition. Bicycle racing at Norwich Road was on a grass track 5 laps to the mile. There were three bicycle events, a 1 mile local novices scratch race, and one and two mile open handicap races.

East Dereham August Bank Holiday Sports were held on the cricket ground in 1910. Amongst the 26 events there were two bicycle races, both for local riders, a one mile novices race and a one mile open handicap race. A great attraction was the passenger balloon ascents given by Captain Beckett during the afternoon. The Athletic Association Bank Holiday sports were held the following year, and this was probably the last time that bicycle racing took place on the ground.

Dereham Cricket Club still play at Norwich Road

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